CST Therapist Companion advancing

Brain+ further advances its first digital dementia product, Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) – Therapist Companion Commercial launch in Denmark will be November 1, 2022 Adaptation of a UK product version for the United Kingdom starts November 1st in collaboration with a key UK CST researcher, the exact launch timing will be announced later. Brain+ (BRAINP), a pioneer […]

Brain+ begins early activity and brand building in the US

Brain+ begins early activity and brand building in the US The United States (US) is a key future market for Brain+, and early brand building and exploration is now ongoing Brain+ has been selected and featured as a 2022 TMC-Denmark BioBridge Partner in the new Texas Medical Center (TMC) 2022 Biobridge e-book. TMC is the […]

First milestone met

Brain+ meets milestone with Rox Health (Roche Germany) Rox Health has approved the German version of Brain+’s first digital dementia product, CST-Therapist Companion, for commercial launch.  Meeting this milestone unlocks access for Brain+ to additional expert resources in the Rox Health/Roche organization and triggers a minor milestone payment. The following milestones will be product launch […]

Common Nordic digital health evaluation framework launched

Common Nordic digital health evaluation framework launched Digital Therapeutics (DTx) is a growing trend and is increasingly a recognized market providing an important supplement to the established trillion USD pharmaceutical market (traditional medicine).  The DTx trend is evolving fast. In June 2022 the Nordic Digital Health and Evaluation Criteria (NordDEC) program has been created. The […]

Demens i Danmark – Er sundhedsvæsenet klar? (Nej!)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”9769″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Demens i Danmark – Er sundhedsvæsenet klar? (Nej!) [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]”Kom nu i gang!” var den klare opfordring til sundhedsvæsenet og politikerne fra Pia, som fik en Alzheimer’s diagnose, i en ung alder og som nu er førtidspensioneret. Brain+ deltog på Christiansborg på den nationale konference organiseret af Roche, Biogen, Alzheimerforeningen, Ældresagen, Pårørende […]