Brain+’ new product for dementia launching Q4 2022

Brain+’ new product for dementia launching Q4 2022     Digital “CST–Therapist Companion” is launching one year ahead of plan   The Brain+ “CST-Therapist Companion” is a new digital product to deliver Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST), a globally recognized evidence-based non-pharmaceutical dementia therapy The Danish market for the Brain+ digital CST products, of which CST-Therapist Companion […]

Growing interest in DTx from big pharma

Brain+ is experiencing growing interest from big pharma in its Digital Therapeutics solutions for dementia. Brain+ is a first mover in the field of Digital Therapeutics (DTx) solutions to treat Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and other types of dementia and help relieve the growing burden of these conditions on patients, relatives, and societies. According to the […]

Common Nordic digital health evaluation framework launched

Common Nordic digital health evaluation framework launched Digital Therapeutics (DTx) is a growing trend and is increasingly a recognized market providing an important supplement to the established trillion USD pharmaceutical market (traditional medicine).  The DTx trend is evolving fast. In June 2022 the Nordic Digital Health and Evaluation Criteria (NordDEC) program has been created. The […]

Germany opens the DiPA reimbursement pathway

Germany opens the DiPA reimbursement pathway to support the adoption of digital health applications, underpinning the value of the #1 target market for Brain+’ first commercial dementia product, CST A significant event for Brain+ as DiPA can provide reimbursement coverage for the first Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) product, expected to be launched in Germany in […]

1m SEK FORTE grant project to map digital interventions for dementia

1m SEK FORTE grant project to map digital interventions for dementia Helping Brain+ strengthen patient and care giver compliance for product development PURPOSE: The FORTE project will perform a scoping review of digital interventions for dementia and mild cognitive impairment and engage with live user panels to map state of the art in the field. […]

2021 Brain+ Annual Report

From the CEO:  I am pleased with the Brain+ 2021 annual results we have presented today. With our commitment to develop medical software to detect and treat the cognitive symptoms of dementia, 2021 brought real progress. A few highlights: – Secured first strategic partnership with large pharma company in the main target market, Germany. – […]

Demens i Danmark – Er sundhedsvæsenet klar? (Nej!)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”9769″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Demens i Danmark – Er sundhedsvæsenet klar? (Nej!) [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]”Kom nu i gang!” var den klare opfordring til sundhedsvæsenet og politikerne fra Pia, som fik en Alzheimer’s diagnose, i en ung alder og som nu er førtidspensioneret. Brain+ deltog på Christiansborg på den nationale konference organiseret af Roche, Biogen, Alzheimerforeningen, Ældresagen, Pårørende […]