Brain+ at Altenpflege

Brain+ showcased at Danish Dementia Days & Altenpflege in Germany

Brain+ showcased at Danish Dementia Days & Altenpflege in Germany Following the market introduction of the first commercial version of its digital dementia care product, CST Assistant, in Denmark in Q4 2022 and in Germany in Q2 2023, Brain+ has scaled its go-to-market activities. As an essential component, this includes attendance and product showcasing at […]

Second Sales Contract

Second Sales contract for CST closed

Brain+ closes its second sales contract for CST  Therapist Companion with a dementia care center in Gladsaxe municipality Brain+ announces to have closed a second sales contract for the company’s new digital dementia product, CST – Therapist Companion. The sales contract is a 3-year contract, giving therapists in the municipal dementia care facility, Bakkegården demensboliger, in Gladsaxe access […]


Brain+ in Dementia Cafes in Germany

Malteser Hilfsdienst and Brain+ begin collaboration to offer people with dementia access to CST in special dementia cafes in Germany  Brain+ and Malteser Hilfsdienst has started a collaboration to help people with dementia in Germany. The Malteser Hilfsdienst is one of Germany’s major charitable service providers with over 1 million members and sponsors, and the organization is a major player in offering […]

New Digital Health Strategy in Germany

New Digital Health Strategy in Germany

Germany sets a new digitalization strategy further supporting the adoption of digital therapeutics in Europe’s largest healthcare market  This month the German Ministry of Health’s shared its new healthcare digitalization strategy, “Gemeinsam Digital”, together with a vision for an integrated digital health ecosystem in Germany. The country’s strong focus on digital solutions represents a great opportunity for Brain+ and other suppliers of digital therapeutics by enabling easier […]

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) enhances the effects of Alzheimer’s disease medicine

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) enhances the effects of Alzheimer’s disease medicine A key finding from the recently released 2nd systematic Cochrane review (Woods et al., 2023) is the confirmation that medication combined with CST results in significantly larger benefits over and above that of medication alone. More specifically, patients that take part in CST demonstrate […]

First sales contract expanded

Brain+ expands its first sales contract close to doubling it In December 2023 Brain+ closed its first sales contract with Herning Municipality, and Herning has chosen to expand that contract, nearly doubling the contractual size. The original contract was for the basic package of the CST-Therapist Companion, with therapist access to one training facility. The […]


Respected dementia experts and Brain+ get EU grant to research how to optimize digital at-home treatments for people with dementia The EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research has granted 496,000SEK (or 48,405 euros) to an international research consortium consisting of the University of York Europe Campus, Greece, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Brain+ A/S, Denmark, […]

New Cochrane review confirms CST

New Cochrane review confirms the benefit and relevance of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) for people with dementia A 2nd systematic Cochrane review, ‘Cognitive stimulation to improve cognitive functioning in people with dementia’ (Woods et al., 2023), has been published. The systematic review further strengthens the scientific evidence base of CST, the main therapy for dementia that […]


Brain+ showcases its digital dementia products At the Danish-Japanese Welfare and Health Tech Business Conference Brain+ is part of a group of Danish welfare and health tech companies that have been invited to present their products and solutions at the Matsumae Cup Business conference. The business cup is organized and held in Vejle, Denmark on […]


Successful conclusion of EU project Alzheimer’s Detect & Prevent  with early validation of two Brain+ DTx technologies and extra funding  The information communicated in this announcement is “inside information” for the purposes of article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014 The 3.5-year Alzheimer’s Detect & Prevent project (ADDP) funded with €3.5 million by the EU […]